1. All china presented for WOCP Museum selection must have been painted within the previous 12 months of the competition.
2. Seminar pieces may be displayed but may not be entered as a Museum selection.
3. All china must be signed to be judged. The name of the artist should be covered during voting.
4. The artist must submit a signed release with each of the pieces to be voted on. The artist shall determine a realistic value, considering the cost of insurance and shipping.
5. Only pieces with a signed release will be numbered for voting. The release should stay with the piece until it is numbered.
6. All club members should meet the deadline for set-up. Preparations must be made to begin the voting.
7. A voting cut-off time will be determined to allow sufficient time for vote counting.
8. Only WOCP Members may vote. There will be, for example, 3 votes per ballot but only one vote per piece. The vote will not count if all votes are for one piece and if the voting member does not sign the ballot.
9. The previous year's Museum pieces should be displayed for members to pick up. These pieces should be picked up prior to the close of the voting for the new competition. Current winning pieces should be displayed for members and guests to see.
10. The number of pieces for the state is determined by the state membership total.
wocp_museum_contract_#A5DE0-4 (pdf)
DownloadThe name shall be “WOCP Junior China Painters”
$1.00 fee per youth will be paid to the State.
This will entitle them to an Honorary WOCP Membership Card of the State of Your State Name. Cards to be provided by the State.
States will provide a table for their display at the official State Show.
There will not be a charge to the youth for the table.
States may determine the way they select a Youth Chairman.
The Junior China painters will not be members of a club, and may not attend the State Club Meetings unless the State Clubs vote to have the youth members attend.
The State will provide ballots for voting on the youth display of china.
A certificate will be presented to each participant.
Art must be painted on porcelain or porcelain bisque.
Work must be original and the work of the artist.
Junior China Painters china will be voted on in age groups of: 6-8 yrs, 9-12 yrs, and 13-17 yrs.
Younger china painters may display porcelain, but only the age groups indicated will be eligible for voting.
The WOCP Museum will accept ONLY three (3) pieces, one from each age group, to be shipped to the Museum with the regular State Display, to remain in the Museum for one year.
wocp_museum_contract_juniordiv_052207 (pdf)